Have been working at Changi Exhibition Centre,
Carrerista Jamboree 2008 for the past 3 days!
Shall reply tags on my next post! (:
Fam, the person who got the the job at the carshow
is like supeeeeeeer nice to us luh!
Other girls have to take cab/shutter bus in themselves and
reach the freaking ulu place before like 12pm and work till 10pm.
But every morning Fam comes to my house, pick me up,
drive to jess's house and pick her up, bring us to have lunch.
(Lol, jess is supeeeeeer well-fed!)
Thenn relax relax, reach the carshow at 2plus,
and he say we can leave after 7plus!
Super slack! And like, nothing much to do either :x
Day 1:

Fam told me he was the one who invented drifting!
Very shocked by that fact, hehe i thought drifting is not
something exactly new and prolly the person who "invented"
it is prolly dead or something!
But no leh! Quite young! Hahahhas.
Day 2:

Some of you already asked me where we got the
hot pink sequin dress, It's from La Senza. (:
I'm soooo thankful i don've to wear those
tacky racequeen outfit thingy..
Jess got the wrong size for the dress for meeeee,
So mine looks super low infront & loose loose everywhere~
We're so boooored and have nothing to do,
so we just sat in the car and relax/camwhore..


Boyf came to visit meeeee! Hehehe, so sweeeet!
He came at like around 6pm & he waited for me patiently till 8pm!
Awwwww.. *hugs hugs hugs!*
Then he brought me to eat craaaaab, yay!
Yummy yummy butter-cream crab, my favourite!
Watched some action packed/super-gory movie by Donnie Yen
while eating crab at boyf's place. lol.
Shall blog the rest another day!
Tomorrow laaaaaaaaaaaast day! finally, HURRAY!!!
But i think have to work all the way till 12pm
until they countdown. *faint*
So better go sleep early!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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